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Modern Men & Our Ancient Scripts

Andy Stanley
Jun 2024

Whether it’s learned from culture or learned from our families, men have a picture of what masculinity is. In this series, we’ll uncover...

Re-Assembly Required

Andy Stanley
Oct-Nov 2021

Repairing relationships is a skill that must be learned. While we’re not in control of every relationship being fully restored, we can...

Life, Love & Legacy: A Conversation with Dr. Charles Stanley

Andy Stanley with Dr. Charles Stanley
Dec 2020

Talk about a conversation full of wisdom, laughter, and insight! In this two-part series, Andy Stanley interviews his dad, Dr. Charles...

Parenting in the 21st Century

Andy Stanley
Oct 2020

If you're a parent or have played a part in raising someone, you know the weight that comes with preparing a child for their future....
