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Yesterday, Today & Forever

Reed Moore
Jan-Feb 2023

What you think about something impacts how you relate to it. What you think about someone impacts how you relate to them. Join us for...

Things Christians Do

Reed Moore
Nov 2022

Ever wonder why we do some of the things we do in church, like sing together, take communion, or baptize people? In this series, we'll...

Heaven: Who Goes There?

Andy Stanley
Oct-Nov 2022

Most people believe in heaven, and most people believe they'll end up there. Can we really know?

Resurrected Life

Reed Moore
Apr-May 2022

There is more to the resurrection than we imagined. In fact, there are implications for us personally. What does it look like for us as...

Investigating Jesus

Andy Stanley
Mar-Apr 2022

Little did Luke know that of the many accounts of the life of Jesus, his would be one of four that survived. It's worth asking if his...
