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Easter 2024

Reed Moore
Mar 31, 2024

The life Peter is an example of the transformative power of Jesus. Because of the resurrection, Peter's life was changed & yours can...


Andy Stanley
Feb-Mar 2024

While the Greek word “ekklesia” is mistranslated as “church” in many Bibles, the word means “group” or “gathering.” Christianity has...

Real Change

Reed Moore
Jan-Feb 2024

We're all becoming someone. Who do you want to be? Is real change possible? If it is, what does it take?

A Better Question

Andy Stanley
Jan 2024

At the beginning of the year, many of us ask, “What should I do about me?” And yet there’s another question that will potentially...

A New Year's Eve Message with Reed Moore

Reed Moore
Dec 31, 2023

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