I'm Angela, and I'm Made For More.

My name is Angela Langenderfer, and I have nearly completed two rounds of being a Transit small group leader. Currently, I lead a group of 8th-grade girls. When the group members were in 6th grade, one student started really questioning her faith. She wasn’t sure if she believed in God anymore; she wasn’t sure if the Bible is true; she struggled with body image; she was full of anxiety. This student was so confused, but she continued seeking answers through Transit. I encouraged her to keep asking questions and tried not to panic when she would toss out shocking comments during small group. Then one day, the student shared that she had tried everything to cope with her anxiety, but nothing worked, so she decided to try trusting God. Now as an 8th grader, she is one of the strongest girls in our small group. She still has questions, but she is more confident, less anxious, and turns to God for her strength. She even encourages other girls in the group to trust God too. I have been with these girls through years of ups and downs, questions and curiosities, and I am grateful to witness them discovering a faith of their own.

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