If Money Talked Online

Financial Advice to Make Your Life Better

If Money Talked artwork


If you invited money to pull up a chair and give you its best advice, you might be surprised that what it would say is pretty close to what Jesus did say two thousand years ago. 

In this four-session, self-guided study, Andy Stanley offers an approach to money management that, if applied, will make your life better and make you better at life.

Here’s how to start listening to your money:

  1. Register online.
    Sign up to receive the free weekly digital content for four weeks beginning February 2.
  2. Watch online.
    Watch the weekly 20-minute video when it premieres each Tuesday night or on another day of the week. We suggest making a plan to watch on a set day and time.
  3. Dig in.
    Complete the self-reflection questions and exercises on your own each week.

Whether you have a lot or a little, are a spender or a saver, you'll find Andy's insights challenging, refreshing, and extraordinarily practical. 


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