Adult Group Leadership
Experience firsthand how leading a group can change your life.
Group leaders create a place for people to talk about life and grow their faith.
You don’t have to be perfect to lead a group. And you don’t need to be a Bible scholar to be used by God to lead others. Group leaders create a place where people can be real and grow. They get front-row seats to the faith journeys of others and find that their faith grows along the way.
Curious about group leadership? It’s easier than ever to lead because we’re providing everything you need, including weekly studies, ideas for socials, and more. We provide the plan. You provide the leadership. Take a step and see how God can use you to create a place for people to connect and grow.
Group leaders are...

Great leaders promote participation by sharing group responsibilities.
They are not responsible for every group task.

Great leaders are transparent about their struggles and how God is working in their lives.
They don’t need to have a mistake-free life.

Great leaders guide those they lead and support them as they grow.
They don’t need a theology degree to be used by God to lead others.

Every leader has an expert coach to guide them and provide a plan for their group.
They won’t have to figure out by themselves how to lead or what to study.
How we'll help you lead

Staff Coaching
You’ll be provided with an expert coach to personally guide you as you lead.

New Leader Onboarding
You’ll be equipped to lead great group meetings and launch your group well.

Online Resources
You’ll have access to helpful content including recommended group study plans.

Development Opportunities
You’ll be provided with ongoing trainings to help you continue to grow as a leader.

Qualifications for Group Leaders
- Have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ (preferably for two years or more).
- Recognize the Bible as the authority for their lives.
- Have Community Group experience (preferably).
- Have the time, emotional capacity, and moral discernment to lead a group.
Ready to become a leader?
We have two options. You can apply now for leadership or complete the form below and a staff member will contact you.
Find your application:
Married Leader Application →
Men's Leader Application →
Women's Leader Application →
Young Adults Leader Application →
Starting Point Leader Application →